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      Welcome toJilin Yonglin Chemical Co., Ltd. 中文版 English  

      Jilin Yonglin Chemical

      ADD:Jilin City, Jilin Economic and Technological Development Zone




      Phosphorus trichloride

      Phosphorus trichloride to generate hydrochloric acid mist in the air. On the skin, mucous membranes stimulate the corrosive effect. Short-term inhalation of large amounts of steam can cause upper respiratory tract irritation, laryngitis, bronchitis, can occur in severe laryngeal edema caused by asphyxia, pneumonia or pulmonary edema. Skin and eye contact can cause irritation or burns. Severe eye burns can cause blindness. Chronic effects: long-term low level exposure can cause eye and respiratory tract irritation. Can cause phosphorus toxicity Oral Pathology.


            Jilin Yonglin Chemical Co., Ltd.
              ADD:Jilin City, Jilin Economic and Technological Development Zone, on the 3rd town

            Sales Director:Jidong Sun
            Tel:+86-176 4960 3666    Fax:+86-432-63055699
            Contact mailbox: 

            Sales Director:Yongcai Han
            Contact mailbox:


      Copyright(C)2018,Jilin Yonglin Chemical Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Supported by ChemNet ChinaChemNet Toocle Copyright Notice  吉公網(wǎng)安備 22020202000303號